
Long Term Benefits of Preschool

According to various research findings, the long term benefits of preschool cover both social and cognitive development. The first five years of a child’s life is characterized by rapid brain and behavioral development; investing in quality preschool or early learning programs can have significant benefits to a child’s later development.

Long Term Benefits of Preschool

This has been a subject of great debate, especially among scholars and researchers in this field. While there are arguments for both sides, evidence continues to show that there are numerous benefits of preschool education.Long Term Benefits of Preschool

Determining the long term benefits of preschool can be rather complicated but an increasing body of evidence has shown that these programs help to reduce achievement gaps by improving school readiness.

Pre-school years are a critical period when a child develops foundations for thinking, emotional well-being and behaving. Preschool, where the child learns primarily by playing, encourages language and pre-literacy skills, fosters creativity and imagination and develops their social and emotional skills.

Impact on socialization

According to a recent study, children who received a quality early education were found to have better long term social interaction skills, emotional maturity and appropriate behavior. The early introduction gives them an opportunity to interact with their cohorts from diverse backgrounds and form positive relationships with their educators.

Improved performance

Additional research suggests that quality preschool programs boost cognitive development and that children who attend these programs for three or more years perform better in Year 4 reading, mathematics and science. The evidence also reports higher literacy levels and numeracy understanding in children aged between 11 and 16.

Lower risk of developing learning difficulties

Research results also indicate that children who have access to quality preschool education have a reduced need to access special education in their later years.

Grade retention

Another research study shows the link between the benefits of boosting academic performance through the early years and the ability to retain grades in later school years. This study examined the long Long Term Benefits of Preschoolterm effect of a particular preschool program on the performance and grade retention of its former students in their middle school years. Those who were held back a year before joining pre-school were less likely to perform well academically.

Attendance and completion rates

Evidence also suggests that children who have access to quality preschool programs are less likely to have class attendance issues and more likely to complete school.

Bottom line

Based on the research findings, there are several long term benefits of preschool. The quality, as well as the amount of early learning that a child participates in, can have a significant impact on the child’s long term social and cognitive outcomes. These structured programs, led by top educators in play-based learning environments go a long way in laying the critical foundation for how a child thinks, behaves and how healthy they are emotionally.


Benefits of Medicare

Medicare is a federal health insurance program which is quite an important part of your life, especially when you are aging. This program helps you by paying several health care expenses. If you want to apply for Medicare for yourself or for your parents or someone you know, then you have to be aware of some of the facts. There are four parts of Medicare – Part A, B, C and D.  There are some amazing benefits of Medicare. The beneficiaries of this program can be any citizens who are aged 65 or more. Even some people with qualifying permanent disabilities may be eligible for these benefits as well.

Benefits of Medicare

When it comes to the benefits of Medicare, it’s important to know the differences of each part of Medicare. Here is a breakdown of what each option covers, so you can determine the best choice for you.

Part A

The Part A is all about hospital insurance. The Part A covers all the hospital care of patients, services of limited home health care along with hospice care. If you are a Part A beneficiaries, then you do not Benefits of Medicarehave to pay any monthly premium for receiving the coverage. Normally, if you or your close one have worked for at least 10 years and have regularly paid Medicare taxes while working, then that person will be eligible for the Part A without premium.

Part B

This is the medical insurance part. The benefits of Part B is that it covers all the medical expenses that are not related to hospital such as blood tests, visit to the doctor’s office, diabetic screening, X-rays, outpatient hospital care, exams prior to surgery and medical supplies. But for all of these, you have to pay a monthly premium. The people who have higher income may have to pay a higher fee.

Part C

Medicare Part C is the insurance that includes all types of Medicare coverage in a health plan. This plan is mainly offered by the private insurance companies. You may or may not enroll for this medical advantage plan as it is completely optional. But in order to enjoy the benefits-of-medicarebenefits of this plan, you have to have the Original Medicare, especially Part A and B. Having the Medicare Advantage plan can help you to cover some of the health care services that Part A and B don’t cover. This can be hearing aids, eye exams and dental care.

Part D

The part D of Medicare is the optional prescription drug coverage. Part D is available as a plan for stand-alone prescription drug via the private insurance companies. According to some of the plans, you have enrolled in, you will be able to share in the costs of the prescription drugs.

Final Word

So, these are the benefits of Medicare. If you are about to be 65, or your parents are, you need to enroll for Medicare immediately to enjoy all the facilities from the insurance. There are some rules and regulations, as well as terms and conditions for this plan. You need to know everything about these before you take a step.

Child Pediatrics

Why is Health Insurance Necessary?

We’ve all been new or expecting parents, I’m sure, and its absolutely heart breaking when they get sick and you don’t know what to do. Why is health insurance necessary? The health insurance is very necessary because it avoids you stress when faced with an emergency medical bills. People fall sick due to different reasons. You will never know when you will be faced with health complication. With health insurance, you do not have to fear because it will cover you against any medical emergency bills. How do you get health insurance? The process is simple. You need to start by searching for the best insurance company and apply for the policy. There are several companies out there which offer the cover hence you need to compare them so that you can locate the best which can guarantee you the best premium rates.

Is Health Insurance Mandatory
Is Health Insurance Mandatory

You should as well-read the coverage well so that you can know areas where you have been covered. Here are some reasons why health insurance is very necessary:

You Increase Chances of Accessing Preventive Care and Early Treatment

There are high chances you will be reluctant to seek medical attention if you have been affected by health complications if you do not have an insurance cover. For example, if you notice signs of certain complications in the middle of the month and you do not have money, you will tend to wait till end month when you will earn salary so that you can proceed to seek medical attention the early when waiting to get money will expose you to more dangers because the disease will develop making it chronic. It is a different case if you have medical insurance where you can just seek medical attention within a short period because you know the health insurance will cover for the costs.

It is Cheaper to Access Medical Treatment with Health Insurance Coverage

When compared to paying cash for the medical bills and using your insurance cover, you will realize you will save a lot of money if you have health insurance. Medicare Guidance Center as well as other health insurance brokers will find the best package that fits the needs and budget of the person. If you do not have any cover where you will have to pay for all the services out of your pocket.

Do I Need Health Insurance Coverage
Do I Need Health Insurance Coverage

You Avoid Cases Where Medical Emergencies Can Bankrupt You

If you are faced with a medical emergency which need a lot of money, you may end up becoming bankrupt. It is a different case if you decide to go for a health insurance where you will get the different medical services paid for by the insurance company. There are many companies out there which have been affected financially due to medical emergencies. It is a different case if you can take a medical cover. You may be wondering why is crucial to take the health insurance. It will enable you access medical attention which without the cover can be very hard for you to access.

Why Is Health Insurance Necessary
Why Is Health Insurance Necessary

Health Insurance Coverage & Attention

Why is health insurance necessary? It will allow you to access to medical attention without any stress of financing. You need to compare different insurance companies and locate the best which can assure you great services in case of a claim.