Health Medicare

What are the 4 Types of Medicare – Medicare Coverage

What are 4 types of Medicare? This is a question you may come across when you have to decide what you want covered. In actual sense, they are not types but rather parts of Medicare. Each of them covers a specific area but they are somehow tied to the original Medicare. 

What are the 4 Types of Medicare

Health insurance is necessary because it helps relieve the stress when unexpected medical costs occur. When you find yourself in the dark about the Medicare types, this post has the help you need. It will detail the various parts of Medicare and what is covered in each. It will also explore the Original Medicare and tell you when you need it. 

Parts of Medicare

Medicare is subdivided into 4 parts as follows;

  • Part A: It is dedicated to cover inpatient costs or what is called hospital expenses in some quarters. You sign up for Part A when you enroll for Medicare. 
  • Part B: In general, Part B covers medically necessary services, as well as preventive services.

    What are the 4 Types of Medicare
    What are the 4 Types of Medicare
  • Part C: This is an option you can add to Parts A and B to enjoy your Medicare benefits and have additional coverage..
  • Part D: is for prescription drugs, not Part F which is a separate plan to cover cost sharing with patients. 

As you can see, each part/type of Medicare covers a specific area in the health circles. Generally, Part A and B are the most popular types partly because they offer a comprehensive cover for both inpatient and outpatient services. Again, it is because both can be accessed collectively through the original Medicare. Another thing that makes the original Medicare quite popular is the fact that it is under the custodian of the federal government. With it, you can walk into any hospital in the country, receive treatment, and the federal government pays for that service directly. 

The Components of the Original Medicare

You can quality for Medicare Part A and B once you are 65, and reach other requirements. In some quarters, original Medicare is referred to as the fee-for-service Medicare. Actually, this is the actual description of how it works. Here are some of the features of the original Medicare as drafted in the act;

  • You do not require permission or authorization beforehand to go to hospital or see a doctor. You can see a doctor any time and any day without any problem at all and have your expenses covered by Medicare.
  • You will be paying premiums for part B each month. Some cases also have to pay premiums for Part A. Confirm if you fall into that category before you run into any inconvenience. 
  • For each service you get, you are typically supposed to pay a copay for it.
  • Hospitals and doctors have a capping to how much they should charge you. 

With original Medicare, as you may have already noticed, you are not getting any cover for prescription drugs. You will have to get a separate cover for such from your pocket. Just you know; there are several government-initiated programs that can help you cut down the costs of prescription drugs. 

Bottom Line

You should now know the answer to what are the 4 types of Medicare? With this, you can make a decision on what suits your needs. Typically, part A and B come as a package in the traditional Medicare. However, you should make private arrangements for prescribed drugs.


Can I Get Medicare Through My Spouse? – Your Questions, Answered

Medicare is surely one of the most important aspects of life, especially when one gets a bit older. But many people wonder, can I get Medicare through my spouse? Well, even if you have not served the 40 calendar quarters of work during which you had to pay SST (Social Security Taxes) in the United States, but your spouse had done it, you will still be eligible for Medicare. You will be able to enjoy a premium-free Medicare Part A just based on the work history of your spouse. This is only possible when you turn 65. But one thing that you have to know is that if you have any disability before you turn 65 and you do not have enough work history, then you will not qualify for SSD (Social Security Disability) based on the work history of your spouse.

Can I Get Medicare Through My Spouse?

If you’re wondering, “Can I get Medicare through my spouse?” then some important things to know include that you can if your spouse meets the eligibility criteria.

Important Things to Know

As important as Medicare and health insurance is, there are some important aspects that you have to know when applying for Medicare. There are many if’s and but’s to the entire Medicare program through your spouse. You can be eligible for the a premium-free Medicare Part A based on the work history of your spouse after you turn 65 but there are some conditions. They include:

Can I Get Medicare Through My Spouse

  • Current marital status: Your current marital status must be married and your spouse must be eligible for the SSB (Social Security Benefits). Also, you must be married for at least a year before you apply for Medicare.
  • If you are divorced: Even if you are divorced and your previous spouse is eligible for the Social Security benefits. Before the divorce, you must be married for at least 10 years and you must be single now.
  • If you are widowed: Also, if you are widowed and you were married for at least 9 months before the death of your spouse, you will be eligible for Medicare. Although you must be single at the time of applying.


All of these are the conditions that are applicable for getting Medicare through your spouse. But you have to be aware that there are some exceptions to the aforementioned eligible rules. If you are still confused about your eligibility for the premium-free Medicare Part A, then you Can I Get Medicare Through My Spousecan call the Social Security Administration. Their official contact number is 800-772-1213. Also, be aware that there are different programs for Medicare and same may or may not cover surgery. In case you are a railroad worker, then you need to contact the local Railroad Retirement Board field office.


So, if you were wondering, “Can I get Medicare through my spouse?” then the answer is yes. For further details, you can contact the officials or the contact number given above. This will help you to get your all questions and queries answered. You need to check the aforementioned facts to make sure that you are eligible for Medicare and the health insurance that it provides. In case there is any kind of queries or questions, you can contact the help-desk. They will always be there to help you and answer all your queries related to the benefits of the Medicare program.


Does Medicare Part F Cover Prescriptions?

The question, does Medicare Part F cover prescriptions is usually asked while discussing the costs covered by Medicare and Medicare Supplement Plan F. Plan F, also known as Medigap Plan F or Medicare Part F, covers all the costs incurred in treating patient in a hospital.It also covers outside the hospital as outpatient left after deducting the share paid by Medicare.

Coverage Provided by Medicare Supplement Part FDoes Medicare Part F Cover Prescriptions

  • Medicare Supplement Part F covers 100% of the cost sharing of the patient.
  • It provides comprehensive coverage for the remaining costs left after the share paid by Medicare so that the patient need not pay any amount of money from his pocket.
  • It completely covers the deductibles of hospital under Part A and outpatient under Part B
  • It also covers the 20% cost left by Medicare Part B to be paid by the patient
  • Along with it, this plan also covers all the excessive charges under Part B like with surgery. These excess charges can include the standard 15% charges charged by the doctor under Part B services of Medicare.
  • It also allows the patient to choose a doctor from more than 880,000 US physicians for his treatment.
  • This plan also allows the patient to see the specialist under Medicare anytime without needing any referrals from a primary health care providing doctor.
  • The coverage available under this plan is assured to be renewed as it cannot be canceled even if your health condition is not good, or you have filed a number of claims.

Does Medicare Part F Cover Prescriptions

In order for Medicare Part F to cover medication, you must receive it in a hospital, clinic, or some type of medical facility. Because prescriptions are not included in this, Part F does not cover prescriptions.

To Summarize

Although the answer to does Medicare Part F cover prescriptions is no, it is still valuable for numerous reasons. As mentioned above, it covers deductibles, let’s you choose from a large pool of doctors, and covers excess charges from Part B.


How do I Sign Up for Medicare Part A

When the time comes for you to enroll in Medicare, you have several options. While Medicare enrollment is automatic for some people, for others, it often depends on when and how they become eligible. You’ve probably asked yourself the question: how do I sign up for Medicare Part A?

How do I Sign Up for Medicare Part A

This post discusses how to sign up for health insurance with Medicare Part A and how you become eligible. We’ll cover how you qualify for automatic enrollment, as well as the need to enroll manually.

How to Enroll in Medicare

You can enroll in Medicare part A in the following ways:

  • In person at your local Social Security office.
  • By calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 .
  • In-person at your local Social Security office.
  • If you worked at a railroad, you can enroll in Medicare by contacting the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) and speak to an RRB representative.

How do I Sign Up for Medicare Part A

When to Enroll in Medicare

  • There are several situations where Medicare enrollment may occur automatically:
  • If you are receiving retirement benefits.
  • If you’re already collecting Social Security or RRB retirement benefits when you turn 65, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A (hospital insurance).
  • If you live in D.C. or outside the 50 United states such as in Puerto Rico, you’ll automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A. However, you’ll have to manually enroll for Medicare part B.
  • If you’re receiving disability benefits.
  • If you’re under the age of 65 and receiving certain disability benefits from the RRB or Social Security, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Original Medicare, Part A and Part B, after 24 months of disability benefits. The exception to this rule is if you have end-stage renal disease (ESRD). If you have ESRD and you need regular kidney dialysis or had a kidney transplant, you can apply for Medicare. If you have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS), you’ll automatically be enrolled in Medicare in the same month that you start receiving disability benefits.

Medicare Initial Enrollment Period (IEP)

Most people are enrolled in Medicare Part A automatically. However, there are a few instances when you may be required to manually enroll in Medicare Part A during the IEP, which is seven months (starting three months before you turn 65 and ending three months after your 65th birthday).

Some situations where you would be required to enroll for Medicare during your initial enrollment include:

  • Medicare general enrollment period.
  • If you don’t qualify for retirement benefits.
  • If you aren’t receiving retirement benefits.
  • Medicare special enrollment period.

Bottom Line

Medicare can be quite beneficial. The tips mentioned should help you answer the question: How do I sign up for Medicare Part A. It’s always to your benefit, however, to enroll as soon as you’re eligible, even if you still have Medical cover through a group health plan. Moreover, Medicare can impose hefty fines for late applications, so make sure you enroll during the enrollment window.